§ 8.7-41. Definitions applicable to transportation impact fees.  

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  • In addition to the general definitions contained in section 8.7-2 of this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings in the application of the transportation impact fees:

    Access improvements shall mean improvements designed and constructed to provide safe and adequate ingress and egress from a road impact construction, which include, but are not limited to, rights-of-way, easements, paving of adjacent or connecting roadways, turn lanes, deceleration and acceleration lanes, traffic control devices, signage and markings, and drainage and utilities.

    Arterial road shall mean a road on the county road system and classified by the Florida Department of Transportation utilizing the definition established in Section 334.03(1), Florida Statutes, or its statutory successor in function. For the purposes of this article an "arterial road" shall include those portions of an intersection with a local road that are a necessary and integral element of the design of the traffic flow on the arterial road.

    City street system shall mean the road system of any city within Polk County, Florida, as defined in Section 334.03(3), Florida Statutes, or its statutory successor in function.

    Collector road shall mean a road on the county road system and classified by the Florida Department of Transportation utilizing the definition established in Section 334.03(4), Florida Statutes, or its statutory successor in function. For the purposes of this article a "collector road" shall include those portions of an intersection with a local road that are a necessary and integral element of the design of the traffic flow on the collector road.

    County road system shall mean the road system of the county as defined in Section 334.03(8), Florida Statutes, or its statutory successor in function, including collector roads, local roads within the unincorporated area, and all arterial roads, but shall not include any roads within the city street system or the state highway system.

    External trip shall mean any trip which either has its origins from or its destination to the road impact construction and which impacts the major road system.

    Local road shall mean a road classified by the Florida Department of Transportation utilizing the definition established in Section 334.03(15), Florida Statutes, or its statutory successor in function.

    Off-site improvements shall mean road improvements located outside of the boundaries of a road impact construction which are required by the county in order to serve external trips, but not including access improvements.

    On-site improvements shall mean road improvements located within the boundaries of a road impact construction which are required by the county in order to serve external trips, but not including access improvements.

    Road impact construction shall mean land development designed or intended to permit a use of the land which will contain more dwelling units, buildings or floor space than the existing use of land, or to otherwise change the use of the land in a manner that increases the generation of vehicular traffic or the number of external trips. In the administration of this chapter, the term "road impact construction" shall be included within the definition of the term "capital facilities impact construction."

    Site-related improvements shall mean roads, including rights-of-way, which are necessary to provide safe and adequate transportation service for the movement of vehicular traffic between the road impact construction, the county road system and access improvements. "Site-related improvements" may include improvements to the county road system that are on-site improvements and off-site improvements. "Site-related improvements" shall be considered in addition to the transportation impact fees established by this article.

    State highway system shall mean the road system of the State of Florida as defined in Section 334.03(25), Florida Statutes, or its statutory successor in function.

    Transportation impact fee shall mean the impact fee imposed to fund growth-necessitated capital improvements to the transportation network.

    Transportation impact fee district shall mean one of the five (5) districts located within the county which are described in section 8.7-43 of this article.

    Transportation impact fee study shall mean the study adopted pursuant to section 8.7-5, as amended and supplemented pursuant to section 8.7-121 hereof.

    Transportation network shall mean the county road system, excluding all local roads located in the unincorporated areas of the county. The term "transportation network" shall not include any roads or facilities within the city street system or state highway system except for the intersection of said roads or facilities with county collector roads or arterial roads.

    Trip shall mean a one-way movement of vehicular travel from an origin (one trip end) to a destination (the other trip end). The word "trip" shall have the meaning which it has in commonly accepted traffic engineering practice.

    Trip generation or trip generator rate shall mean the maximum average daily trip generation rates at peak hour for the applicable trip generation land use category, as adjusted by the transportation impact fee study.

    Trip generation land use category shall mean the trip generation land use categories established in Trip Generation, 7th Edition, 2004 published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, or the most current edition thereof on the effective date of any revisions to the transportation impact fee study.

(Ord. No. 18-048, § IV(4.01), 7-24-18)