§ 8.7-43. Imposition of transportation impact fees.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    All road impact construction occurring within the county, including both the unincorporated area and those areas within the boundaries of the cities, shall pay the transportation impact fee as established in this article prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for such road impact construction as provided in section 8.7-11 above.


    The board has established the following five (5) transportation impact fee districts for the collection and expenditure of transportation impact fees:


    The North Transportation Impact Fee District includes the boundaries set forth and established as described and depicted in appendix B-2 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The transportation impact fee rates for the North Transportation Impact Fee District shall be imposed on all road impact construction located within the North Transportation Impact Fee District.


    The South Transportation Impact Fee District includes the boundaries set forth and established as described and depicted in appendix B-2 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The transportation impact fee rates for the South Transportation Impact Fee District shall be imposed on all road impact construction located within the South Transportation Impact Fee District.


    The East Transportation Impact Fee District includes the boundaries set forth and established as described and depicted in appendix B-2 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The transportation impact fee rates for the East Transportation Impact Fee District shall be imposed on all road impact construction located within the East Transportation Impact Fee District.


    The Central Transportation Impact Fee District includes the boundaries set forth and established as described and depicted in appendix B-2 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The transportation impact fee rates for the Central Transportation Impact Fee District shall be imposed on all road impact construction located within the Central Transportation Impact Fee District.


    The West Transportation Impact Fee District includes the boundaries set forth and established as described and depicted in appendix B-2 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The transportation impact fee rates for the West Transportation Impact Fee District shall be imposed on all road impact construction located within the West Transportation Impact Fee District.


    During the period which commenced on March 17, 2017 and continuing thereafter, all transportation impact construction occurring within the county shall pay the transportation impact fee rates in the amounts established within the transportation impact fee rate schedule—phase 2, as set forth on appendix B hereto and incorporated herein by reference.


    The transportation impact fee shall be paid in addition to all other impact fees and is intended to provide funds only for off-site improvements. Access improvements, including required right-of-way dedication, will be provided by the applicant in accordance with the land development code, or any comparable ordinance or regulation of the city in which the road impact construction is located.


    Boundaries of the transportation impact fee districts as set forth above may be amended, revised or redrawn as necessary to carry out the purposes of this article by resolution of the board adopted in regular session upon recommendation of the county manager and transportation director.

(Ord. No. 18-048, § IV(4.03), 7-24-18)