§ 2-22. Expenditure of county funds for employee and citizen recognition activities and for activities of nonprofit organizations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Incentive and nonprofit awards:


    It is hereby determined that the expenditure of county funds to defray the cost of recognizing county employees or other individuals or groups who have performed valuable public services and nonprofit entities which provide public services needed by the Polk County community constitute valid and proper county purposes.

    It is further determined that the expenditure of county funds to promote employee morale and for participation in employee suggestion, safety, and productivity improvement programs constitutes a valid and proper public purpose.


    The county administrator is hereby authorized to institute an incentive program whereby county funds may be spent to promote plaques, awards, or other tributes for individuals who have distinguished themselves by service to the county or the public, including, but not limited to dinners and other events in order to recognize citizen participation, dedications for public centers and parks, plaques for annual achievement awards, cash awards for county-sponsored recreational events, contributions for materials such as paper products or food for special events, purchases of buttons, caps, patches, or articles of clothing promoting the county or its projects, waiver of fees for county employee group use of county facilities, and for such other purposes as meet the intent of this section.


    The county administrator is hereby authorized to institute a program whereby county funds may be spent to fund activities of nonprofit organizations which provide public services needed by the Polk County community, such services to include but not be limited to mental health programs, seniors programs, programs which promote the fine arts and humanities, programs which promote public safety and health, programs which provide activities for the physically or mentally handicapped, and such other entities that by agreement provide services to the public, the provision of which directly by the county would further a county purpose.


    The county administrator is hereby authorized to institute employee suggestion, safety, incentive, or productivity programs which provide cash awards to employees.


    Approval of expenditures: No expenditures of funds under the control of the board of county commissioners, for any of the above enumerated purposes, shall be made unless an implementing resolution is adopted by the board of county commissioners, or upon the presentation of a proper motion, second and approval by a majority of the board members present.

(Ord. No. 89-30, §§ 1, 2, 7-11-89; Ord. No. 91-23, § 1, 9-17-91)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 89-30, §§ 1, 2, adopted July 11, 1989, being nonamendatory of the Code, has been included as § 2-22 herein, at the discretion of the editor.