§ 4-25. Vaccination, sterilization and implantation of radio frequency identification (RFID) microchips for animals before release from animal control shelter; adoption.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All animals four (4) months of age or older which are impounded, quarantined or otherwise in the possession of animal control, and which do not have proof of a current rabies vaccination shall receive a rabies vaccination and license tag prior to being released from the custody of animal control. If animal control is unable to vaccinate the animal for any reason, the owner or custodian of the animal is required to sign a form agreeing to have the animal vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian within three (3) days from the date of release and subsequently purchase a valid license tag from the animal control license program authority.


    An animal whose owner is in possession of proof of a current rabies vaccination approved by National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians and administered by a duly licensed veterinarian shall be issued a valid license tag from the animal control license program authority prior to release. Valid license tags will be good from the date of issuance for a period of twelve (12) months, or for the duration of a multi-year license, depending on the type issued. In no event, will the validity of the license tag exceed the expiration date of the vaccine used to inoculate the animal.


    No, at-large, unaltered dog or cat impounded more than twice, in an eighteen-month period, may be redeemed by any person until the animal is spayed or neutered. The sterilization shall be accomplished by the shelter veterinarian or upon the owner's request by transporting the animal, by animal control personnel, to any duly licensed veterinarian in Polk County. In all cases, the animal's owner shall not hold liable Polk County or the board of county commissioners, individually or in their official capacity, and all members of the animal control authority, individually and in their official capacity, and all of their employees, appointees, contractors, sub-contractors, and agents from any and all liability, for any and all claims, causes of action, demands or damages, and costs (to include reasonable attorney's fees) present, past and future, contingent or otherwise, arising from the spay or neuter of such dog or cat. The owner is responsible to pay the veterinarian fees prior to redemption.


    If the owner elects for the animal to be transported to a duly licensed veterinarian in Polk County, the owner shall:


    Present proof of payment for the spay or neuter service to the animal control authority; and


    Pay transport fee to animal control; and


    Present date and time of scheduled appointment for procedure to animal control authority.


    Alteration shall not be required upon showing proof of alteration from a licensed veterinarian or providing a written notarized statement from a licensed veterinarian stating the spay or neuter procedure would be harmful to the animal.


    If the animal is sterilized at the shelter prior to being released, the owner shall pay the altered animal license tag fee.


    Proof of sterilization for all animals shall consist of a sterilization certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian to the animal and its owner stating the specific animal has been sterilized. The certificate must contain data identifying the specific animal including the name, type, age, sex, color, and breed of the animal; the name and address of the owner; the name, address, and telephone number of the veterinarian who altered the animal. A rabies vaccination certificate from a duly licensed veterinarian stating an animal has been spayed or neutered shall also constitute proof of sterilization. It is the animal owner or custodian's responsibility to provide this information to animal control, upon request.


    All dogs and cats redeemed by an owner shall have an RFID microchip implanted prior to leaving the shelter if the animal does not currently have one. The owner of the animal shall pay the costs for the implantation of the microchip at the time of redemption. The implantation of the microchip shall not be required if the owner redeeming the animal provides a written notarized statement from a licensed veterinarian stating the microchip procedure would be harmful to the animal. All dogs and cats adopted from Polk County animal control will be surgically sterilized and have a microchip implanted prior to being released to the prospective adoptive owner. All applicable fees must be paid prior to release of an animal subject to this section.

(Ord. No. 18-068, § 5, 10-2-18)