§ 4-24. Rabies vaccination and tags.  

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  • (a)

    Every owner of a dog or cat four (4) months of age and over shall cause such dog or cat to be vaccinated against rabies as frequently as required based on the effective period and the method of administration of the approved vaccine used. The approved vaccine may be for either a one-year or three-year period, depending on the vaccine used. The vaccination will be properly administered and boosted where appropriate by a licensed veterinarian.


    Every owner of each dog or cat so vaccinated is required to purchase a valid license tag, as evidence of vaccination. The owner shall cause the dog or cat to wear a collar with a valid license tag at all times or implant the dog or cat with a RFID microchip, registered with the animal control authority. License tags shall be valid for a maximum of twelve (12) months, or until the expiration date of the vaccine, whichever is shorter. In the event a multi-year license tag is used the tag shall be valid for a maximum of three (3) years or until the expiration of the vaccine, whichever is shorter.


    Cat owners may purchase cat identification collars approved by the county and allow their cat to wear said collars in lieu of tags. All identification collars must be marked in indelible black ink with the number of the cat's license tag. The price of the approved collars shall be set by the animal control authority.


    Evidence of vaccination shall consist of an appropriate certificate signed by the licensed veterinarian administering the vaccine and will contain pertinent data for identification of the specific dog or cat. The veterinarian shall provide one copy of the certificate to the owner, one copy to the animal control license program authority, and one copy will be retained by the licensed Veterinarian, as described in paragraph (a) above, administering vaccine.


    Proof of altered status for all animals for purposes of this article shall consist of a sterilization certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian, given to the animal's owner, stating that the specific animal has been sterilized. The certificate must contain data identifying the specific animal including the name, type, age, sex, color, and breed of the animal; the name and address of the owner; the veterinarian that altered the animal and his or her address and phone number. A rabies vaccination certificate, as certified by an appropriately licensed veterinarian, in which the licensed veterinarian certifies that an animal has been spayed or neutered, shall also constitute proof of sterilization.


    The license tag shall be furnished by the animal control license program authority to the pet owner. The license tag will be furnished after the pet owner provides proper documentation of the animal's current vaccination. A license tag shall be purchased for each dog or cat each year, or in the event a multi-year license is used, at the expiration of the previous license tag.


    A genetic hybrid of dog not regulated by the Florida Wildlife Commission, such as the wolf-dog, is exempt from the rabies vaccination requirements of this section due to the Florida Rabies Control Compendium not recognizing a rabies vaccination for wildlife. However, all owned genetic hybrid dogs residing in Polk County shall be implanted with an RFID microchip and the owner shall purchase an annual non-vaccination license tag from the animal control license program authority and cause it to be worn by their hybrid at all times.


    No later than the fifteenth (15 th ) day of each month, each veterinarian practicing in Polk County shall submit to the animal Control License Program Authority Form 51 "Rabies Vaccination Certificate" or an equivalent form approved by the animal control authority for each domestic animal they have vaccinated against rabies for the previous month. The list shall be in accordance with Section 828.30, Florida Statutes.

(Ord. No. 18-068, § 4, 10-2-18)