§ 11.8-14. Types of service: criteria and performance standards.  

Latest version.
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    Type B. Basic life support nontransport (BLS nontransport). Providers who render on-scene BLS medical services and who routinely do not transport patients to medical facilities. A certificate of public convenience and necessity is not required from the county before engaging in this level of medical care.


    Type C. Basic life support transport (BLS transport). Providers who render on-scene BLS medical services and who routinely transport patients to medical facilities. A certificate of public convenience and necessity must be obtained from the county before engaging in this level of medical care.


    Type D. Advanced life support nontransport (ALS nontransport). Providers with capability of rendering on-scene BLS and ALS services although not routinely transporting those persons receiving such services. A certificate of public convenience and necessity must be obtained from the county before engaging in this level of service if not under the county's State of Florida licensure and oversight.


    Type E. Advanced life support transport (ALS transport). Providers who render on-scene ALS medical services and who routinely transport their patients to a medical facility. A certificate of public convenience and necessity must be obtained from the county before engaging in this level of medical care. Certified providers who respond to requests for transportation will respond with an ALS-permitted and -equipped vehicle only. A certificate issued for Type E service shall allow the service provider to also render BLS medical services.


    Type F. Prehospital air ambulance service. Any publicly or privately owned state-licensed service that operates within the county with rotary-winged aircraft in conjunction with Polk County's emergency medical services system. A certificate of public convenience and necessity must be obtained from the county before engaging in this level of medical service.


    Type G. ALS interfacility transport service. Any publicly or privately owned service which operates an ALS transport service to provide interfacility transport of only medically necessary patients to and from medical facilities. These services must comply with Chapter 401, Florida Statues, and Florida Administrative Code (FAC). A certificate of public convenience and necessity must be obtained from the county before engaging in this level of medical care. These agencies shall not provide 911 prehospital responses unless requested by the division. Certificates issued for Type G services shall not allow ambulance transportation to and from residences.


    Type H. BLS interfacility transport service. Any publicly or privately owned service which operates a BLS transport service to provide Interfacility transport of medically necessary patients to and from medical facilities. These services must comply with Chapter 401, Florida Statues, and Florida Administrative Code (FAC). A certificate of public convenience and necessity must be obtained from the county before engaging in this level of medical care. These agencies shall not provide 911 prehospital responses unless requested by the division. Certificates issued for Type H services shall allow for nonemergency ambulance transport service to and from residences and medical facilities.

(Ord. No. 12-029, § 4, 9-18-12)