§ 10-95. Definitions.  

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  • (1)

    Adjacent: Immediately adjacent to the mining area; sharing a common property boundary with the mining entity.


    Annual progress report: Summary report submitted annually by the operator of the mining entity which is reviewed to determine its consistency with the conceptual mine plan and the operating permits for the preceding year, as well as whether the plans for the coming year vary from those approved in the conceptual mine plan.


    Applicant: Person authorized by the operator to make all necessary applications to the board required by this article.


    Beneficiation: Process whereby matrix is washed to separate the mineral from the earthen materials with which it is naturally combined. Specifically, for the purpose of this article, beneficiation shall mean the processing of matrix to separate phosphate rock from the sand and clay soils in which it exists in a natural state.


    Board: The board of county commissioners of Polk County, Florida.


    Clay settling areas: An area into which fluids such as waste clays are placed for the purpose of separating suspended solid matter from water, but not including mined out areas in which sand/clay reclamation is being conducted.


    Conceptual mine plan: A graphic and written description of general activities to be undertaken within the entire project site in sufficient detail to comply with the requirements of this article.


    Conceptual mine plan amendment: Any material change or modification to an approved mine plan.


    Comprehensive plan: The Polk County Comprehensive Plan.


    Debris mining: The recovery of phosphate ore from tailings or clay settling areas left by previous mining operations.


    Disturbed lands: Land that is mined or disturbed as a result of or incidental to mining activities.


    Matrix: The ore body consisting of the mineral ore and other earthen materials naturally occurring with it.


    Mine: An area of land on which mining operations have been conducted, or are proposed to be conducted, as the term is commonly used in the trade.


    Mining activities: This term encompasses both primary and mining related activities.


    Primary mining activities: The extraction of phosphate ore by excavation, the processing of phosphate ore in beneficiation plants, and the storage of waste clays in settling ponds.


    Mining related activities: Those activities and the construction of those structures necessary in connection with the extraction and transportation of phosphate ore including but not limited to pipelines, power lines, access roads, site preparation, and the temporary storage of spoils or overburden for a period of time not to exceed sixty (60) days.


    Mining unit: The land which an operator will disturb or affect as a part of mining activities during a one-or two-year period covered by a reclamation application submitted to the Florida Department of Natural Resources pursuant to Chapter 16C-16, Florida Administrative Code.


    Navigable waterway: A waterbody that may be utilized by small craft with outboard motors for recreational purposes.


    Operating permit: Written authorization by the board to commence specified mining activities for a specified period of time issued pursuant to the requirements of this division.


    Operator: Person engaged in the extraction of phosphate ore or any other person who is obligated to reclaim mined land.


    Ore: Mineable phosphate minerals.


    Overburden: The natural covering of a matrix.


    Reclamation: The reshaping of lands in a manner which meets the reclamation standards, including revegetation, as contained in Chapter 16C-16, Florida Administrative Code.


    Restoration: The process of reestablishing plant communities and moisture conditions which are at least the ecologically functional equivalent of the premined land.


    Spoil: Displaced overburden.


    Tailings: Materials from the processing operation that consist of solid particles larger than one-tenth millimeter in average diameter, occurring from phosphate mining or phosphate processing operations.


    Waste clays: Materials from the processing operation that consist of a mixture of water and fine solid particles, the latter generally less than one-tenth millimeter in average diameter.


    Zoning administrator: Administration entity responsible for the enforcement of this article. A designated representative may be appointed to carry out these responsibilities.

(Ord. No. 88-19, Art. II, 9-20-88)