§ 10-94. Permitted and prohibited uses.  

Latest version.
  • Phosphate mining and its related activities are land uses not confined to a specific zoning district within the unincorporated area of Polk County.

    Rock drying and chemical processing plants and related facilities are not included in the definition of phosphate mining operations. Subsequent to the effective date of this article, such facilities shall be established or constructed in accordance with the same regulations applicable to other similar processing facilities.

    The disposition of waste clays associated with ore extraction conducted outside the boundaries of Polk County is expressly prohibited. The board may authorize such disposition by written agreement with the operator wherein the operator shall agree to return an equivalent amount of clay to the county of origin and be subject to such other terms and conditions as the board deems necessary. This provision is expressly made subject to the variance procedures contained in Division 5.

(Ord. No. 88-19, § 1-4, 9-20-88)