§ 9-107. Same—Application.  

Latest version.
  • Application for the permit required by this article shall be made by an officer of the organization to the development services director on the form supplied by the county, along with the fee that has been as established by resolution of the board of county commissioners, and shall contain at least the following information:


    The name, address and employer identification number of the organization or individual.


    A list of the current officers and directors of the organization and their addresses.


    A copy of the exemption letter issued by the Internal Revenue Service.


    A certification of the period or periods during which the organization has been in existence and active, commencing three (3) calendar years prior to the application filing date.


    The names, addresses, social security numbers, ages, and dates of membership of all members of the organization who will be involved in the conduct of any bingo game and a certification that each of them is a bona fide member of the organization and is a resident of the community where the organization is located. This information must be updated prior to or concurrent with any changes.


    The names, addresses, social security numbers, ages, and dates of membership of three (3) members of the organization designated to be in charge of the bingo games. This information must be updated prior to or concurrent with any change.


    The street address and property description of the premises where any bingo game will be conducted by the organization.


    Copies of all leases and subleases in effect relating to the property where the organization will conduct any bingo games.


    The certification of the owner of the property and every lessee and sublessee that there are no leases in effect other than those submitted with the application and that the rental rate charged for the premises does not exceed the rental rates charged for similar premises in the same locale.


    Certification by the organization that it will comply with all provisions of Section 849.0931, Florida Statutes, this article, and the permit issued pursuant to this article.


    A statement advising whether any of the individuals listed pursuant to the paragraphs above has, preceding the application filing date, been convicted of any misdemeanor involving a theft or illegal gambling or of any felony under the laws of the State of Florida, the United States or any other state and, if so, the particular criminal act involved and the place of conviction.


    If any individual listed pursuant to the paragraphs above or the organization has had any bingo license under this article or a license issued by any other jurisdiction revoked or suspended and, if so, the date of each revocation or suspension.


    The days of the week on which bingo games are to be conducted, which for any applicant shall not exceed two (2) days in any calendar week.


    If the applicant is a branch, chapter, auxiliary, lodge, agency or other local unit of a non-profit charitable organization, the name of the primary organization and the street address of its principal office.


    An executed form authorization authorizing the sheriff or his designee to inspect all books or other records of the applicant within twenty-four (24) hours of any bingo game.


    An attached, fully executed copy of any rental agreement, leases or subleases presently existing or proposed involving the premises sought to be used by the applicant and an executed form whereby applicant agrees to submit a copy of any lease, sublease, or rental agreement for the permitted structure or location that applicant enters into during the time the bingo permit is in effect.


    A notarized statement certifying, subject to the penalty of perjury, that all information on the application and any submittals or attachments thereto is true and correct, and that the applicant understands that any misstatement of material fact in the application will result in the denial of the license or, if a license is issued, in the suspension or revocation of the license.

    The applicant shall advise the development services director of any changes of status for the organization or individual that occur during the term of the license.

(Ord. No. 94-36, § 7, 6-14-94)