§ 8-27. Environmental health fees.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Authorization. Pursuant to Chapter 154, Florida Statutes, the board of county commissioners hereby authorizes the Polk County health department to collect environmental health fees in amounts stated above.


    Services for which fees will be charged. Fees will be charged in the furtherance of the Polk County health department's conduct of its environmental health program, the purpose of which is to detect and prevent disease caused by natural and manmade factors in the environment or otherwise mandated by Section 386.006 Florida Statutes.


    Entities subject to fees. Any individual, partnership, business, corporation, establishment, or facility regulated and inspected by the Polk County health department as specified in Section 381.006, Florida Statutes, shall be required to pay such fees as may be established by either the Polk County health department or the board of county commissioners of Polk County, Florida, via resolution.


    Applicability. Subject to Article 1, 1.8 of the Polk County Charter, this section shall have full force and effect throughout Polk County, including municipalities.

(Ord. No. 03-80, §§ 1—4, 10-15-03)