§ 7-29. Effect of article on other laws, rules, etc., alternative method.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The provisions of this section shall not operate to, nor be construed as regulating or limiting the jurisdiction or duties of any state or county officer. In the event the language or implied effect of this section should indicate regulation or limitation of jurisdiction or duties of any state or county officer contrary to the Constitution of the State of Florida it shall be construed as the legislative intent to be permissive in such regard.


    This section shall be deemed to provide an additional and alternative method for the doing of the things authorized hereby and shall be regarded as supplemental and additional to powers conferred by other laws, and shall not be regarded as in derogation of any powers now existing or which may hereafter come into existence. This section, being necessary for the welfare of the inhabitants of the county, shall be liberally construed to effect the purposes hereof.


    Nothing herein shall preclude the board from directing and authorizing, by resolution, the combination with each other of (1) any supplemental or additional notice deemed proper, necessary, or convenient by the county, (2) any notice required by this section, or (3) any notice required by law, including the Uniform Assessment Collection Act.


    Any fees, assessments, or other charges imposed prior to 1997 shall remain due and payable and shall be subject to enforcement and collection, at the option of the county, in the manner heretofore provided, or alternatively in the manner provided by the adoption of this section.


    The tentative rate resolution adopted August 12, 1997, and the final rate resolution adopted September 9, 1997, are hereby ratified and confirmed and shall conform to and be subject to the procedures and revisions to the Polk County Fire Services Ordinance as provided herein.

(Ord. No. 92-11, § 9, 6-23-92, Ord. No. 97-70, §§ 10(9), 11(9), 12-16-97)