§ 7-19. Authority and power of board.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Administration. The business and affairs of said district shall be conducted and administered by the board of county commissioners. Said commissioners shall not receive any additional compensation for their services as such.


    Preparation of assessment and collection roll. The board shall prepare or cause to be prepared a rate resolution and fire assessment roll as prescribed herein.


    Acceptance of gifts. The board of county commissioners shall have the power and authority to acquire by gift, lease or purchase, any property, real or personal, as is deemed as necessary for the provision of fire service protection in the Polk County Fire Services District.


    Execution of contracts. The board may make and enter into contracts with natural persons or corporations relating to any and all purposes of the district.


    Borrowing of money. The board shall have the power and authority to:


    Borrow money for the purpose of the Polk County Fire Services District in an amount which shall not exceed fifty (50) per cent of the total assessment roll for, and to enter into contracts for, the purchase of real estate, construction of fire stations and purchase of motorized fire apparatus and firefighting equipment and other equipment and supplies ordinary to the operation of a firefighting service with said contracts not to exceed twenty (20) years in length.


    Pledge for the payment of such loan collections on said roll and give tax anticipation notes, which shall be the sole security for such loan, and neither the said district, nor said commissioners, nor any of them, shall be personally or individually liable as such for said loan or any part thereof. In the event of such pledge, it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners, upon collection of the assessment roll so pledged, to apply the first proceeds thereof to the payment of said loan and principal and interest payment, in event of contracts for which such assessment or lien was pledged, until said loan is paid in full.


    Utilization of funds. No funds of the Polk County Fire Services District shall be used for any purpose other than the administration of the affairs and business of said district, for the construction, care, maintenance, operation, lease and purchase of fire stations, firefighting equipment, salaries and expenses in connection therewith, as the board of county commissioners may determine to be for the best interests of the district; provided, that the board of county commissioners may enter into contracts not to exceed twenty (20) years with any municipal corporation or other governmental agency, or other public or private nonprofit corporation or association, to furnish fire protection to the district or for mutual fire protection and upon such terms and conditions as said board may deem appropriate.


    Employment of personnel. The board of county commissioners shall have authority to hire a fire marshal, one or more special deputies, and one or more firemen as deemed necessary to inspect all property, check for fire hazards and to take the necessary action to eliminate such fire hazards in the Polk County Fire Services District.


    Preparation of financial reports. The board of county commissioners shall, on or before the first day of March following, make an annual report of its actions and accounting of its funds as of the thirty-first day of December of each year, with reference to the provisions of this article and shall file said report in the office of the clerk of the circuit court, whose duty it shall be to receive and file said report and hold and keep the same as a public record.


    Concurrence by majority vote. A concurrence of a majority of the board of county commissioners shall be necessary in any meeting of it [the board], in order for any affirmative action by said board with reference to the Polk County Fire Services District.


    Accounting of meetings. A record of all meetings of the board of county commissioners shall be kept with reference to any matter covered by the provisions of this article.


    Adoption of rules and regulations. The board of county commissioners may adopt such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary in and about the transaction of its business and in carrying out the provisions of this article.


    Performance of duties. The members of the board of county commissioners shall, with reference to the provisions of this article, have the duties usually pertaining to and vested in or incumbent upon similar officers.


    Acceptance of delinquent payments. The board of county commissioners shall have the power and authority to accept delinquent payments from the Fire District No. 1, as created by Chapter 63-1824, Laws of Florida, and repealed hereinafter.

(Ord. No. 92-11, § 4, 6-23-92; Ord. No. 92-26, § 2, 9-1-92)