§ 4-36. Requirements of persons utilizing guard dog.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any person who owns, possesses, and/or utilizes a guard dog in Polk County must provide proper fencing to secure the guard dog(s) and prevent the animal(s) from digging, jumping, or escaping the confines of the property.


    If the guard dog is confined to an area that does not allow for sufficient exercise, the guard dog must be provided with minimum daily exercise, unless a veterinarian issues a written medical exception.


    At each entry point, and at one hundred-foot intervals along the fence perimeter, a sign shall be posted that includes the words "DANGER - GUARD DOG".


    Each entry point must have a sign posted with the telephone number of the guard dog's trainer, handler, and/or owner in case of an emergency.


    Confiscation. Any guard dog found, while working in its official capacity, to be in violation of any section of this article shall be immediately confiscated and held by the animal control authority for a maximum of ten (10) business days. At the conclusion of the ten-day period if not redeemed, by the guard dog owner, said dog will be subject to the disposition options outlined in this article.


    Property owners, renters, or lessees' of said guard dogs shall not hold liable the animal control authority, Polk County or the board of county commissioners, individually or in their official capacity, and all members of the animal control authority, individually and in their official capacity, and all of their employees, appointees, contractors, sub-contractors, and agents from any and all liability, for any and all claims, causes of action, demands or damages, and costs (to include reasonable attorney's fees) present, past and future, contingent or otherwise, arising from the confiscation of said guard dog.

(Ord. No. 18-068, § 16, 10-2-18)