§ 4-35. Restrictions on commercially supplied guard dogs; inability to use dangerous dog; requirements of users.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Every commercial guard dog business supplying guard dogs in Polk County shall comply with the following requirements:


    Every guard dog shall be examined by a veterinarian on an annual basis and certified to be healthy, free from internal and external parasites, and physically fit for service as a guard dog. It is the commercial guard dog owner's responsibility to provide this information to the animal control authority, upon request.


    Newly acquired guard dogs owned, possessed, and or utilized in Polk County must be properly vaccinated and records maintained in accordance with section 4-34 of this article.


    In the event a guard dog is transferred to another owner, allegedly bites or attacks a human being or another animal, dies, or disappears, the guard dog business shall immediately notify the animal control authority.


    Any vehicle used to commercially transport guard dogs must be clearly marked and must be maintained and arranged to ensure maximum ventilation and protection for the animals.


    Any guard dog previously declared or classified as a dangerous dog in accordance with this article or Chapter 767, Florida Statutes, shall be ineligible to serve as a guard dog.

(Ord. No. 18-068, § 15, 10-2-18)