§ 4.2-28. Variances—Generally.  

Latest version.
  • The board may grant requests for variances from the requirements of section 4.2-27(e) of this article only, provided the public health, safety and welfare are protected, in accordance with the following provisions:


    In order to grant a variance from section 4.2-27(e) of this article, the board must determine that there has been a disclosure of good and sufficient cause.


    An advertisement describing the variance request has been placed in a newspaper with local circulation.


    Comments from affected local governing agencies (municipalities and special taxing districts) will be solicited in the review of all pertinent variance applications.

    The board may establish such conditions, in granting the variance, as it deems necessary to further the purpose of this article.

(Ord. No. 91-13, Art. IV, § 4-1, 6-18-91; Ord. No. 93-37, Art. IV, § 4-1; 8-10-93)