§ 2-247. The role of the county manager during the state of local emergency.  

Latest version.
  • During the state of local emergency, the county manager and his designees shall have the authority to take appropriate emergency measures without further board action. Appropriate measures include, but are not limited to:


    The use or distribution of any supplies, equipment, materials, and facilities that are assembled or arranged to be made available for emergency use pursuant to Polk County's emergency management plan and program.


    Suspending or limiting the sale, dispensing, or transportation of alcoholic beverages, firearms, explosives, and combustibles.


    Establishing curfews, including, but not limited to, the prohibition of, or restriction of, pedestrian and vehicular movement. Essential services, such as fire, police, emergency medical services, hospital services, including services for the transportation of patients, utility emergency repairs, and emergency calls by physicians and other appropriate emergency relief activities, are exempt from such curfews and restrictions. The county manager may exempt on-duty military personnel, newspaper, magazine, radio broadcasting, and television broadcasting corporations operated for profit; and such other classes of people as may be essential to the preservation of public order and immediately necessary to serve the safety, health, and welfare needs of people within the county.


    Utilizing all available resources of the county government as reasonably necessary to cope with the disaster emergency, including emergency expenditures.


    Declaring certain areas off limits.


    Directing and compelling the evacuation of all or part of the population from any stricken or threatened part of the county.


    Making provisions for availability and use of temporary emergency housing and emergency warehousing of materials.


    Establishing emergency operating centers and shelters in addition to, or in place of, those provided for in the county's emergency management plan.


    Declaring that during the emergency, it shall be unlawful and an offense against Polk County for any person, firm, or entity to use fresh water supplied by any water system in Polk County for any purpose other than cooking, drinking, and bathing.


    Acquire merchandise, equipment, vehicles, or property needed to alleviate the emergency.


    In the absence of a quorum of the board, absence of the chair, and absence of the vice-chair, the county manager, or his or her designee, may call on the National Guard, Coast Guard, other law enforcement divisions, and request state and federal assistance as necessary to assist in the mitigation of the emergency, or to help maintain law and order, rescue assistance, and traffic control.

    Nothing within this section shall be construed to limit the usual powers and duties of the county manager as conferred on him by the board and under Polk County's Charter.

(Ord. No. 05-041, § 7, 7-13-05)