§ 2-209. Driver education safety trust fund.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    Authority for enactment of section. This section is enacted pursuant to the authority vested in the board of county commissioners by Section 318.1215, Florida Statutes, known as the "Dori Slosberg Driver Education Safety Act."


    Definition. As used in this section, "school" means any public or private high school which offers a driver's education class to high school students.


    Creation of trust fund and accounting.


    The clerk of courts shall collect an additional five dollars ($5.00) with each civil traffic penalty, excluding parking violations, levied in Polk County, Florida.


    The clerk of courts shall keep a record of collections generated pursuant to this section. The clerk shall forward these monies to the board of county commissioners for deposit into a special and separate account titled "Driver Education Safety Trust Fund."


    Once each quarter, the clerk of courts shall provide to the board of county commissioners a full report as to the amount of funds collected and deposited into the Driver Education Safety Trust Fund and the amount of expenditures from that trust fund.




    Monies deposited into the Driver Education Safety Trust Fund shall be used to financially assist traffic education programs in public and nonpublic schools in Polk County. These funds shall be used only for direct educational expenses and not for administration purposes.


    Recipient schools will be chosen on the basis of selection procedures which shall be developed by the county manager.


    Final approval of the selection of recipients for the funds shall be made by the board of county commissioners, upon recommendation by the county manager. Selections shall be made annually.

(Ord. No. 02-65, §§ 1—4, 10-16-02; Ord. No. 07-014, § 1, 4-18-07)