§ 2-289. Suspension and debarment.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Authority. The purchasing director may suspend or debar for cause the right of a vendor to be included on a vendor list. Any bid or response from a suspended or debarred vendor shall be rejected unopened.


    Suspension. Based upon the criteria set forth in the purchasing procedures manual, the purchasing director may suspend any vendor for a period not to exceed two (2) years.


    Debarment. A vendor may be permanently debarred for the following reasons:


    Default or failure to fully perform or comply with the conditions, specifications, drawings or terms of a bid, proposal, or contract with the county as determined by the purchasing director.


    Conviction of or a judgment obtained in a court of competent jurisdiction for commission of those offenses in connection with the vendor's commercial enterprise. If the conviction is reversed through the appellate process, the debarment shall be removed upon written notification and proof of final court disposition from vendor to the county.


    Decision. After the purchasing director has determined he/she has cause to suspend or debar a vendor, he/she shall notify the vendor in writing of the debarment or the period of suspension and the reasons for the action taken.


    Public entity crime. Any vendor who has been convicted of a public entity crime as defined by Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, shall not be able to transact business with the county to the extent as specified in Section 287.133(3)(a), Florida Statutes.


    Finality of decision. The suspension or debarment of a vendor shall be final and conclusive unless the suspended or debarred vendor initiates the protest proceedings pursuant to the criteria set forth in section 2-288 of this article.

(Ord. No. 06-024, § 6, 5-10-06)