§ 2-32. Surfees.  

Latest version.
  • Pursuant to the authority of Section 125.0166, Florida Statutes, the following surfees are hereby levied, and the sheriff of the county is hereby authorized to change said surfees for the following services:


    All summons or writs except subpoenas and executions: Four dollars and fifty cents ($4.50) for each person or respondent to be served.


    All writs except executions requiring a levy or seizure of property: Two dollars ($2.00) in addition to the extra four dollars and fifty cents ($4.50) surfee as stated in subsection (a).


    Witness subpoenas: Two dollars ($2.00) for each witness to be served.




    Two dollars for docketing and indexing each writ of execution, regardless of the number of persons involved;


    Five dollars ($5.00) for each levy;


    One dollar ($1.00) for advertisement of sale under process;


    Three dollars ($3.00) for sale under process;


    Three dollars ($3.00) for deed or bill of sale.

(Ord. No. 77-23, § 1, 10-25-77)