§ 12-241. Certification of commercial applicators.

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Prior to January 1, 2014, all commercial applicators shall obtain and maintain certification by successfully completing training and continuing education requirements in the "Florida Friendly Best Management Practices for Protection of Florida Water Resources the Green Industries" offered by the UF/IFAS Florida-Friendly Landscaping program. Certification may be obtained through a county extension service office, or an approved equivalent program.


    All businesses applying fertilizer to turf and landscape plants on their own property (including, but not limited to, residential lawns, golf courses, commercial properties, and multifamily and condominium properties) must ensure that at least one employee has a "Florida Friendly Best Management Practices for Protection of Florida Water Resources by the Green Industries" training certificate.


    After December 31, 2013, all commercial applicators of fertilizer shall have, and carry in their possession at all times when in the possession of fertilizer, a Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Limited Certification for Urban Landscape Commercial Fertilizer as required per 5E-14.117(18), Florida Administrative Code.

(Ord. No. 13-005, Art. IV(4-2), 3-19-13)