§ 12-20. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following terms and phrases, as used in this document, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated, unless context clearly changes the meaning or unless a provision explicitly states otherwise. Definitions related to potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water utility systems in this article which are not included herein shall have the same meanings as provided by Florida Statutes (F.S.) and Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.).

    Board: The Polk County Board of County Commissioners, Polk County, Florida.

    Board of county commissioners (BOCC): The Polk County Board of County Commissioners, Polk County, Florida.

    Community investment plan (CIP): County documents that identify improvements to the PCU water systems, wastewater systems, and reclaimed water systems that will be funded and constructed as identified within the current five-year master plan for each PCU regional utility service area's water, wastewater, and reclaimed water system.

    Comprehensive Plan: The Polk County Comprehensive Plan.

    Connection charges: fees charged by PCU, as based on an equivalent residential connection, to pay for the replacement of potable water and wastewater capacity.

    County: The Polk County Board of County Commissioners, Polk County, Florida, and its employees.

    Customer or user: Any person or entity which receives, or may receive, utility service provided by PCU.

    Developer: Any private or public person, firm, corporation, or government entity engaged in developing or improving real estate for use or occupancy.

    Development (aka developer ), utilities, or interlocal agreement: A written agreement between the BOCC and a developer, property owner, or governmental entity setting forth in detail the terms and conditions under which PCU will provide utility service to the developer's project, the property owner's property, or the governmental entity. Such agreement will be made at the option of PCU where it deems such an agreement is in its best interest in order to facilitate the construction of capital project improvements that are designated in the community investment plan and/or master plan for a particular RUSA, or as otherwise deemed necessary by PCU.

    Director: The person who is responsible for the day-to-day administration and management of Polk County Utilities.

    Engineer: An individual currently licensed to practice engineering in the State of Florida.

    Equivalent residential connection (ERC): The unit of measurement used by PCU to estimate the utility service capacity usage of all classes of utility system users using a single-family residential detached dwelling unit as a common denominator. One water ERC shall equate to the estimated gallons per day of potable water to be used and one wastewater ERC shall equate to the estimated gallons per day of wastewater to be generated. The daily flow rate for water and wastewater ERCs shall be as established by the Polk County Comprehensive Plan.

    Land Development Code: The Polk County Land Development Code.

    Master plans: The current county-approved documents that provide guides for the planned and orderly expansion of each PCU regional utility service area's master wastewater system, master water system, and master reclaimed water system over a five-year planning period, and that identifies financing requirements and revenue sources to implement the community investment plan (CIP) for a given period.

    Master reclaimed water systems: Major elements of the reclaimed water systems that include regional reclaimed water facilities, structures, equipment, processes, land, and appurtenances thereto, required to operate and maintain a system which produces and distributes reclaimed water for irrigation purposes and other authorized uses that are part of a PCU reclaimed water system master plan.

    Master wastewater systems: Major elements of the wastewater systems that include regional wastewater treatment and disposal facilities, reclaimed water use facilities, large collection mains and interceptors, regional wastewater pumping stations and force mains, land, and related facilities that are part of a PCU wastewater system master plan.

    Master water systems: Major elements of the water systems that include regional supply wells, pumping stations, treatment facilities, storage tanks, transmission mains, monitoring wells, land, and related facilities that are part of a PCU water system master plan.

    Polk County Utilities (PCU): The Polk County entity which has the responsibility of administering, operating, and maintaining the potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water facilities and infrastructure owned and/or operated by the county.

    Reclaimed water system: The structures, equipment, processes, augmentation wells, land, and appurtenances required to operate and maintain a system which produces and distributes reclaimed water for irrigation purposes and other authorized uses.

    Regional utility service areas: Those designated portions of Polk County in which PCU maintains the exclusive right to provide public utility systems.

    Registered holder: Any individual that enters into the official Polk County Utilities Code web page and provides the requested voluntary information for future notifications regarding the utilities code.

    User or Customer: Any person or entity which receives, or may receive, utility service provided by PCU.

    Utilities code committee: Shall be comprised of the utilities capital projects section manager, utilities customer services section manager, operations and maintenance section manager, and representatives from the county engineer section and the county purchasing division, or designees. The committee shall perform all duties described in section 12-26 of this article. The utilities director shall be ineligible to serve on the utilities code committee.

    Utility service: The provision of potable water, wastewater, and/or reclaimed water service to a customer.

    Utility system: The potable water, reclaimed water, and wastewater transmission mains, distribution mains, pipes, fittings, valves, hydrants, services, meters, pumps, pump stations, production facilities, treatment facilities, and miscellaneous related appurtenances required to operate and maintain a water, wastewater, or reclaimed water system.

    Wastewater system: The structures, equipment, processes, land, reclaimed water system augmentation wells, and appurtenances thereto, required to operate and maintain a system to collect, convey, and treat wastewater and dispose of the effluent and sludge. Wastewater systems shall not include stormwater facilities.

    Water conservation plans: The current PCU documents that provide a guide for the most efficient use of PCU's water resources and that identify water conservation elements as required by the rules of Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the water management districts of each regional utility service area.

    Water resource: Any potable, reclaimed, alternative, or supplement water furnished by PCU. Treated wastewater shall also be considered a resource.

    Water system: The structures, equipment, processes, land, sources, and appurtenances thereto, required to operate and maintain a system to treat, pump, store, distribute, and meter potable water.

(Ord. No. 10-081, § 5, 12-1-10)