§ 11-6. Debris removal during state of emergency.  

Latest version.
  • If a declaration of local state of emergency or state of emergency is issued pursuant to Chapter 252, Florida Statutes (2013), the county manager is authorized to have county employees and private contractors working on behalf of the county enter onto private property and private roadways to remove solid waste, fallen trees and limbs, and other similar items unless the declaration of state of emergency specifically prohibits the county manager from granting such authorizations. The county manager is authorized to have county employees and private contractors enter onto private property when the county manager concludes that such actions are necessary to: eliminate immediate threats to life, public health, and safety; eliminate immediate threats of significant damage to improved property; or ensure the economic recovery of the affected community and the benefit of the community-at large. As used in this section 11-6, immediate threats to life, public health, and safety include, but are not limited, to situations in which solid waste impedes access for emergency vehicles, or impedes the restoration of utilities, or may be hazardous to human health because the solid waste promotes diseases, attracts vectors, or increases the chance of accidents.

(Ord. No. 13-069, § 1-6, 12-17-13)