§ 11.8-22. Rights and duties granted by certificate.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The certificate shall be valid for the period of time specified therein, but not to exceed five (5) years from the date the certificate provides for the service to begin. The certificate shall not become effective until at least ten (10) days following the decision of the board of county commissioners to grant the certificate. The certificate shall not be transferable, either voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written approval of the division.


    The certificate holder shall file a verified statement of ownership and copy of license with the division prior to commencing its operations under the certificate, and shall immediately notify the division of any change of ownership or control.


    Acceptance of the certificate shall obligate the applicant to:


    Provide continuous and uninterrupted service to the extent, and for the area, authorized by the certificate;


    Provide service to adjacent areas or routes within the county, when requested to do so by the division, in an emergency situation or in accordance with established agreements;


    Keep a copy of the certificate in any ambulances operated within the county, and provide a copy of any rate or fee schedule to the division upon request;


    Keep such records as may be required by the division or the board of county commissioners, pursuant to the rules and regulations to be adopted under this article;


    Operate in conformance with state law, this article and all rules and regulations thereunder; and


    Not require specific types of payment to provide transport service to medically needy patients and shall not refuse transport service to a patient because the patient does not have insurance or other types of medical coverage.

(Ord. No. 12-029, § 12, 9-18-12)