§ 11.5-57. Building numbering plan.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All buildings to which building numbers were previously assigned and are in compliance or conformity with the grid numbering system described in section 11.5-59 of this article and other requirements of this article, shall retain such numbers.


    Address numbering criteria. Addresses must meet the following criteria to be considered acceptable:


    Odd and even addresses shall not change sides of roadway within an addressing district.


    Addresses shall not be out of sequence.


    Addresses shall be verified to ensure they are not out of the numbering range of the master street address guide file.


    All buildings for which building permits or mobile home set-up permits are issued on or after the effective date of this article shall be numbered in compliance with the requirements of this article.


    Mobile homes and mobile home lots located within a mobile home park and units located within a multiple building complex shall be numbered in a logical sequence while sharing a common address provided such numbering scheme is included in the Building Numbering Plan and depicted on the Address Numbering Maps.


    Property owners are responsible for notifying tenants/renters/leasers and mobile home park residents of address/roadway name changes.

(Ord. No. 04-89, § 7, 12-15-04)