§ 11.5-54. Enhanced 9-1-1 addressing office and its duties.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Designation. The enhanced 9-1-1 addressing office of the polk county department of public safety's emergency management division shall design, implement, administer, operate and maintain the uniform roadway address system.


    Duties. The enhanced 9-1-1 addressing office shall:


    Gather information concerning all roadway names and other information to determine whether such roadway names comply with the Polk County Subdivision Regulations, and this article;


    Design and prepare a roadway naming system, building numbering plan, address numbering maps and the uniform roadway address system established by this article, in accordance with requirements set forth in this article, with the assistance of other departments and divisions of Polk County as directed by the county manager;


    Review, in cooperation with any municipality, proposed roadway names and designations in proposed plats for subdivisions in the unincorporated areas of Polk County to determine whether such proposed roadway names and designations comply with the Polk County Subdivision Regulations and this article; and


    Assign building numbers to each existing building and for each subsequently constructed building in accordance with the building numbering plan described in section 11.5-57 below, and subject to the approval of the enhanced 9-1-1 addressing office.

(Ord. No. 04-89, § 4, 12-15-04)