§ 11.5-26. Poles.  

Latest version.
  • Poles, such as logs for sawmill use, logs for power poles, creosote poles, piling, etc., shall comply with the following:


    Height, width and weight: Legal.


    Length 75 feet maximum:


    Hauling permitted during daylight hours, week days only, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.


    Blanket permits permissible.

    75 to 85 feet maximum:


    Hauling permitted during daylight hours, week days only, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.


    No escort except police escort being required when making right angle turns within city limits.


    Trip basis permits will be issued. However, job permits or thirty-day permits may be considered dependent upon circumstances.

    More than 85 feet:


    Hauling permitted during daylight hours, week days only, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.


    Company escort will be required in rural areas and police escort will be required within the city limits.


    Trip basis permits only will be issued.


    Special attention: The hauler in making request for this type of permit should realize that the vast majority of poles of any type to be moved constitute an overall length of less than seventy-five (75) feet. It will, therefore, be necessary that for greater lengths, the hauler will be required to justify such a move and know his proposed hauling routes.

(Ord. No. 73-5, § 12)