§ 10.8-42. General powers.  

Latest version.
  • The county is hereby authorized and empowered:


    To acquire, construct, improve, modify, repair, reconstruct, own and maintain any project.


    To levy or impose tolls or other charges for access to or the use of projects.


    To issue bonds to finance or refinance the cost of a project payable from the Constitutional Fuel Tax Revenues and/or toll revenues, including, without limitation, bonds to prepay county obligations related to, and to refund, bonds issued by the State of Florida the proceeds of which were applied to finance or refinance the costs of projects in Polk County, Florida.


    To acquire in the name of the county, either by purchase or by the exercise of the right of eminent domain, such lands and rights and interests therein, including lands under water and riparian rights, and to acquire such personal property, as it may deem necessary in connection with the construction, modification, improvement, extension, enlargement, establishment, repair, operation or maintenance of any project.


    To make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its power under this article, and to employ and fix the compensation for such consulting engineers, attorneys, accountants, construction and financial experts, superintendents, managers, and other employees and agents as may, in the judgment of the board, be deemed necessary.


    To receive and accept from any federal or state agency grants for or in aid of the planning, construction, modification, improvement, financing or refinancing of any project, and to receive, accept and pledge as security for the payment of bonds issues hereunder, aid or contributions from any source of either money, property, labor or other things of value, subject to limitations imposed by law, to be held, used and applied only for the purposes for which such grants and contributions may be made.

(Ord. No. 96-39, § 2, 11-12-96)