§ 10.8-41. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings, unless some other meaning is plainly intended:

    Board: The board of county commissioners of the county.

    Bonds: The obligations, including bond anticipation notes if required, issued by the county under the provisions of this article to finance or refinance the cost of a project or a combination of one or more projects and payable from the Constitutional Fuel Tax Revenues and/or toll revenues.

    Constitutional Fuel Tax Revenues: That portion of the two cent; ($0.02) constitutional fuel tax transferred from the Fuel Tax Collection Trust Fund to the State Board of Administration of the State of Florida and paid over to the county pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Florida and Section 206.47, Florida Statutes.

    Cost of a project: The costs incurred by the county in the acquisition, construction, modification, improvement, maintenance and repair of a project or combination of one or more projects, including, without limitation, the following costs: the cost of the items described in the plans and specifications for the project; the cost of any lands or interest therein or any other properties deemed necessary or convenient therefor; architectural, engineering, legal and financing expenses; expenses for estimates of costs and of revenues; expenses for plans, specifications and surveys; fees of fiscal agents, financial advisors or consultants; administrative expenses relating solely to the construction of the project; interest upon the bonds during construction of the project; if any, in such amounts as shall be determined by a duly authorized representative of the county or by resolution of the county adopted prior to the delivery of the bonds; the creation and establishment of reserves for debt service on the bonds; municipal bond insurance premiums, if any, or other costs of liquidity or credit facilities; principal of and interest on bond anticipation notes, the proceeds of which were used to pay all or a portion of the cost of the project; reimbursements to the county of funds advanced before the issuance of the bonds or bond anticipation notes to pay a portion of the cost of the project; and such other costs and expenses as may be necessary or incidental to the financing or refinancing herein authorized and to the acquisition, construction, modification, improvement, maintenance and repair of the project and the placing of same in operation.

    County: Polk County, Florida.

    Project: The acquisition, construction, maintenance and repair of any highway, street, road or bridge, all as described from time to time by ordinance or resolution of the county.

    Toll revenues: Revenues from tolls or other charges or other revenues derived by the county from the operation of any project.

(Ord. No. 96-39, § 1, 11-12-96)