§ 10.6-48. Activities requiring a special use permit.  

Latest version.
  • A special use permit shall be obtained before any person may engage in an activity listed in this section. Additional restrictions may be listed in the special use permit.


    Camping. Primitive camping is allowed at designated campsites, which shall be appropriately identified. A special use permit for camping may be issued for a total of fifteen (15) days per calendar year.


    Commercial photography. Commercial photography, which is any type of photography (still, filming, videography, etc.) that is intended to be used for profit or gain, will only be allowed through permit. Additional fees and a vendor contract may be required to engage in this activity.


    Environmental education. Environmental education, which may also be referred to as nature study, is any type of educational program intended to study or bring about awareness of natural resources to a group of ten (10) or more persons.


    Harvesting plants. Harvesting, taking, or removing any plant, or any portion thereof, is allowed by special use permit but only for the removal or control of exotic or nuisance species scientific or for the study by an educational, charitable, or professional organization.


    Horseback riding. Horseback riding is permitted with a special use permit on any environmental land where approved in the management plan and posted at the authorized entry points for environmental land. All horseback riding is limited to the following:


    Horses shall only be allowed on roads and trails designated for horseback riding with the exception of entering and exiting the environmental lands;


    Horses must always be kept under control and shall not be allowed to stray away from the guest to the environmental lands; and


    Only horses in good health and free from known infections diseases or conditions can be utilized for horseback riding on the environmental lands. Persons bringing horses onto an environmental land must carry proof of a negative Coggins Test, which was administered within twelve (12) months of the date of entry into the environmental land.


    Hunting. Hunting, which does not include hunting dogs, may be allowed in areas designated for such activity. Hunting does not include trapping animals.


    Large events. A special use permit is required for any sporting event, competition, gathering, barbeque, picnic or event where twenty (20) or more people are invited to attend or where the event is advertised to the general public. This category includes events held by high schools, colleges, universities, and professional organizations. The applicant may be responsible for the cost of security, cleaning, and any other costs associated with the event.


    Trapping animals. Trapping is permitted by special use permit but only for the purposes of scientific study by an educational, charitable, or professional organization or for the removal or control of exotic or nuisance species.


    Prohibited activities for good cause. A special use permit may be issued for any prohibited activity in this division in the event the director of natural resources, or functional equivalent, deems the activity to be in the best interest of the county in light of the purposes of environmental lands, finds the activity must be consistent with the management plan for the particular environmental land, and finds the activity will not result in any significant harm or damage to the environmental land. This provision shall not apply to any activities that are prohibited by state or federal law, code, or regulation.

(Ord. No. 08-003, § 3.1, 3-19-08)