§ 10.6-46. Vehicle use on environmental lands.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    With the exception of driveways, roads, and parking areas within an environmental land, vehicles are prohibited elsewhere in an environmental land. Unless otherwise posted, vehicular use within environmental lands shall be limited to the operation of vehicles licensed for highway use by licensed drivers on roads. Vehicles shall include motorized vehicles and horse-drawn carriages/buggies but not aircraft, trailers, watercraft, or vehicles having more than two (2) axles. Commercial Vehicles, which are vehicles having more than two (2) axles, alone or when combined with trailers, are prohibited within environmental lands.


    All traffic control laws of Florida shall apply within environmental lands. Resource protection officers and law enforcement officers are authorized to take appropriate action within the scope of their duties in enforcing these laws.


    Operators of motorized vehicles shall comply with posted speed limits on roads within environmental lands. If a speed limit is not posted, the speed limit shall be twenty (20) miles per hour.


    Horses do not constitute vehicles for the purposes of this section.


    Operation of watercraft shall be limited to waters of the state, as that term is defined by Florida law, unless otherwise posted.

(Ord. No. 08-003, § 2.2, 3-19-08)