§ 10.5-253. Registration and re-registration fees.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any person who is required by law to register or re-register with the Polk County sheriff's office, as a sexual offender/predator, career offender or convicted felon pursuant to above stated statutes, shall pay to the Polk County sheriff's office the following fees:


    Sexual offenders/predators first time registration the sum of nineteen dollars ($19.00).


    Sexual offenders/predators for each re-registration the sum of five dollars ($5.00).


    Sexual offenders/predators change of information only the sum of five dollars ($5.00).


    Convicted felon first time registration the sum of five dollars ($5.00).


    Career offender first time registration the sum of five dollars ($5.00).


    Career offender for each re-registration the sum of five dollars ($5.00).


    Said payments are to be paid at the time of registration and shall be paid in cash or certified funds; no personal checks are accepted.


    Any person who is required by law to register with the Polk County sheriff's office as a sexual offender/predator, career offender, or convicted felon, or re-register as such, or update any information who can demonstrate to the sheriff's office that said person is currently indigent shall not have to pay the required fee at that time. However, the Polk County sheriff's office department of detention and/or fiscal services division shall keep a record of the fee owed for a period of three (3) years. If within that three (3) year period the person is incarcerated in the Polk County jail and has the means to pay the required fee, then the department of detention shall collect the fee owed from the person. The person claiming to be indigent must submit the information outlined in Section 57.082, Florida Statutes, and any amendments thereto, in a written application to the department of detention. The application must include the applicant's signature which attests to the truthfulness of the information provided. The department of detention will use the methodology contained in Section 57.082, Florida Statutes, and any amendments thereto, to determine whether the individual is indigent.


    Disposition of fee. Fees collected pursuant to this article shall be deposited by the sheriff's office into the sheriff's operating account to be used exclusively for the administration and operations outlined in this article.

(Ord. No. 18-026, § 4, 5-15-18)