§ 10.5-32. Register of transactions.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    Any persons engaged in business as a dealer in the county shall keep a register in connection with his business, said register to be approved as to type and form by the sheriff of the county, and at the time of each transaction shall enter or cause to be entered therein an accurate description of the person from whom any article of personal property made of precious metal is purchased or received. The description shall include, but need not be limited to, the name, date of birth, sex, race, place of residence, and driver's license number or, if none, other government identification numbers of the person, together with an accurate description of any article of personal property made of precious metal so purchased or received, which description shall contain any mark, brand, monogram, hallmark, word or letters which may be engraved, stamped, etched or otherwise permanently marked upon the article. The description of bullion coins shall be adequate if it provides the total dollar amount of each denomination. The register shall at all times be kept open and available for inspection and examination by the sheriff or any other person authorized by the sheriff to inspect the register.


    Any person engaged in business as a dealer shall, in keeping the register required by subsection (1), take the following precautions to ensure the accuracy of the personal identification required:


    Require the customer, as a condition of the purchase, to sign his name on the registration form.


    Require reasonable proof of identity, which shall include, but need not be limited to, display of a driver's license or other governmental identification cards or certificates.


    It is unlawful for any customer to give or display false identification to the dealer or to sign a false name.

(Ord. No. 81-5, § 2, 4-14-81)